Some Definitions for Time Complexity.

Give five symbolic and mathematical definitions related to time complexity.

Mar 1, 2024

Some Classical Ciphers and Implementations

This article explores classical ciphers historically used. In the past, amid low productivity and primitive computing, these ciphers offered protection.

Feb 23, 2024

How to Explain The Halting Problem

How to explains the Halting Problem's unsolvability in computing, referencing Alan Turing's work. Let’s start with a simple Java login function and a example.

Feb 22, 2024

The Await-to-Js

Handling asynchronous function errors and result more elegantly.

Feb 14, 2024

The Usages and Traps of useEffect in React

The article discusses the challenges and pitfalls of using useEffect in React, emphasizing its proper application for idempotent view initialization and refresh, cautioning against non-idempotent operations to avoid inconsistencies between data and UI.

Feb 5, 2024

React 中的 useEffect 用途和一些坑

文章讨论了在 React 中使用 useEffect 的挑战和陷阱,强调其在幂等视图初始化和刷新方面的正确应用,并警告不要进行非幂等操作,以避免数据和 UI 之间的不一致。

Feb 5, 2024

Why the Graphql Is Better than Restful in Math Conclusion?

This article analyzes GraphQL's unique capabilities in API design, highlighting its advantages over REST, such as optimized data loading, enhanced data model composability, and improved semantic clarity in queries and mutations.

Jan 20, 2024

Viewpoints and Conclusions of The Road to Serfdom

The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek warns against planned economies, advocating for free markets and individualism to safeguard freedom and societal order. Hayek critiques central planning, emphasizing the knowledge problem and the evolution of social rules, defending liberalism as a solution.

Jan 19, 2024

Why Can't the Underworld Manage High Technology?

Galeev: Gangs excel in simple industries, struggle in complex sectors.

Jan 15, 2024

The Event-Listening Implementation

This article explores the essence of event handlers as callback functions, relinquishing control to event initiators. Events are obtained through either polling or operating system-assisted methods like blocking calls. The operating system serves as an event callback system, handling interrupts, and integrating callbacks into event loops.

Jan 13, 2024
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